Swiss Exams Academy: Exam preparation courses tailored to students needs

Swiss Exams Academy: Exam preparation courses tailored to students needs

Looking for fast, effective, and convenient exam preparation? Swiss Exams Academy may be what you need. For more than 8 years, we have been preparing candidates to take the Cambridge English exams with an 89% success rate. Now, we are expanding to include Goethe and IELTS exam preparation.

Swiss Exams Academy: Exam preparation courses tailored to students needs

The busy academic programs in schools can make preparing for language certificate exams a daunting task, as standard classes often leave both learners and educators short on time. Our online Swiss Exams Academy courses are designed to fill this gap, providing targeted preparation to help succeed in these exams.

Personalised and tailored to your needs

  • Swiss Exams Academy courses are developed and led by exam experts to ensure the success of your students.
  • The course comprehensively addresses all sections of the exam, ensuring students are well-prepared to achieve their desired proficiency level.

Experience meets innovation

  • All courses are taught online and recorded and course materials are available to students even after the course.
  • The teachers are exam experts and know first-hand what is needed to ensure exam success.
  • Students get access to teachers also outside lesson times and receive regular feedback on their performance and homework.

What is included in Swiss Exam Academy?

When we say that Swiss Exams Academy courses are a one-stop-shop, we are being serious. All course materials including a workbook, placement test, session recordings are part of the course price. And have we mentioned that all courses include a mock speaking test where students can practice under actual exam conditions without the actual exam-day stress? Everything you need, all in one place.

Explore our live courses: Goethe and IELTS Swiss Exams Academy

In the spring, we are launching Goethe B1 courses and IELTS Academic courses. The courses kick-off in April with registrations open until 31.03.2024.

Goethe B1

  • Online meeting dates: we will meet 6 times, April 8, 15, 22, 29; May 6, 13
  • Course time: 5:00 PM – 7:30 PM
  • Special offer: CHF 605.00, a discount from the standard CHF 750.00.
  • Discover more about our Goethe Swiss Exams Academy.

Register now!

IELTS Academic

  • Online meeting dates: we will meet 6 times, April 4, 11, 25; May 2, 9, 16
  • Course time: 5:00 PM – 7:00 PM
  • Special offer: CHF 760, a discount from the standard CHF 980!
  • Learn more about IELTS Swiss Exams Academy.

Sign up today!

Student preparing for her exams with Swiss Exams Academy. Registration deadline 31.3.2024

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